International Women's Writing Guild
One world, two hemispheres, three languages - a multilingual, musical & ekphrastic writing workshop with Kate Copeland
One world, two hemispheres, three languages - a multilingual, musical & ekphrastic writing workshop with Kate Copeland - In this 90 minute workshop, we will look at a number of languages being used in different hemispheres of the world, to combine those with research on language processing in both hemispheres of the brain. We will travel lands and dictionaries to look for art, tunes and poetry… and then freewrite ourselves, prompted by Vasalis, Alejandra Pizarnik and Kate Bush, a.o. You will receive a document with all sorts of information to muse on later. Cultural communication and IWWG galore !
Kate’s love for languages led her to teaching, her love for art & water to poetry. She is curator-editor for Ekphrastic Review & runs linguistic-poetry workshops for TER & IWWG. Find her poems @TER, WildfireWords,Gleam,Hedgehog Press [a.o.] Kate was born@harbour city & adores housesitting@the world.
Email (quickest response)
Mailing Address:
att: Michelle Miller
22 Parsonage St #293
Providence, RI 02903
telephone: (518) 290-1636
NYC Address:
888 8th Avenue, #537New York, NY 10019