Flash Fiction Workshop
(starting at $45)

In this 90-minute workshop, we will write flash fiction that takes advantage of brevity as a way to show and not tell, to use omission or delay to build tension in a piece, and to be economical and exact with our word choices. How much detail and life can we breathe into as few words as possible? We will freewrite from several prompt options, drawing inspiration from writers like Mary Robison, George Saunders (and others). Whether they build to longer pieces or stand on their own, we’ll leave class with newly written flash fiction."
Cora Kircher (corakircher.com) is a poet, fiction writer, and visual artist from New York’s Hudson Valley, currently based in the East Bay. Cora’s work has appeared or is forthcoming in Nat Brut., A CLEARING, BRUISER Magazine, Joy of the Pen, Tilted House Review, Canned Magazine, and elsewhere on the Internet.