Laughter and Poetry (starting at $99)
In a two-day workshop on “Poetry and Laughter“ we will explore the presence and the healing power of laughter in poetry. We will discuss: "The Laughter of Women" by Mary-Sherman Willis, "Your laughter turns the world to paradise" by Jalal al-Din Rumi, "The Laugh" by Don McKay, and "Poem about your laugh" by Susan Glickman; one week lecture, the other workshop.
Carmen Bugan, George Orwell Prize Fellow, published her sixth collection of poems, Tristia, earlier this year. She is an award-winning author of 10 books that include memoir, essays, and criticism. Her work has been translated into several languages, gathered international praise, and has been widely anthologized. Carmen's memoir, Burying the Typewriter, was BBC Radio 4 Book of the Week, and she has been featured on NPR, ABC, PRI and the BBC.